Sonic Frontiers/StageData Parameters
This page documents all the parameters for stages in the stagedata.lua file. You can find this file at "raw\script\script_resident.pac" Some documentation also comes from the lua file itself, since there is some already provided.
General Stage Parameters
Parameter | Description |
name | The stage slot ID. |
stage | ID of the stage terrain used in the stage slot. If the stage borrows terrain from another stage, then the other stage id is added here. For example, the w1r06 stage slot (Final Horizon Ouranos) uses terrain from w1r04 (Ouranos). |
stage_no | The stage number. |
attrs | The attributes of the stage. |
timelimit | The time limit used for the bomb gimmick in 4-E. |
noisetime | The amount of time the cyber noise appears when you enter a Cyber Space stage. |
clear (Unused) | - |
mission | Missions for Cyber Space stages. Up to 5 can be assigned to a stage. |
ring_mission | The amount of rings needed to complete the Ring collecting mission in Cyber Space. |
rank | The time to reach for specific ranks in Cyber Space. (S, A, B, C, D) |
cyber_name | The name of the Cyber Space stage that shows up in Arcade Mode and the Ranking screen. |
scene_param_name | The name of the NeedleFxSceneData file assigned in the stage. |
scene_param_stage | A development-only parameter. Used to specify and search stages for NeedleFx parameters to be used. |
default_scene_param_no | The scene id used in the stage. It overrides the default NeedleFx Scene id. |
deadheight | The height/altitude for death. It overrides the value put in FxParam. |
cyber_mode | The various gimmicks used in Cyber Space stages in the Final Horizon. It can be used on any Cyber Space stage when added. It can also be added to other stages, but there are many incompatibilities. |
Stage Attributes
[TO-DO: Add Stage Attributes]
Cyber Space Stage Missions and Gimmicks
Name | Mission |
goal | Reach the Goal. |
rank | Obtain an S rank in the Stage. |
nodamage (Unused) | Beat the stage without getting hit. This mission does not function. |
ring | Collect a specific number of rings. The value of the rings is specified by the ring_mission stage parameter. |
redring | Collect all five Red Rings. |
numberring | Collect all five Number Rings. |
silvermoonring | Collect all five Silver Moon Rings. |
hidegoal | Reach the hidden goal. |
shadowtails | Beat the stage before Shadow Tails does. |
mine | Avoid the mines in the stage. |
animal | Rescue the animals in the stage. |
The table below contains the various stage gimmicks assigned to the cyber_mode parameter. Certain parameters of some gimmicks can be changed in the playercommon.rfl file.
Name | Stage Gimmick |
low-gravity | The low gravity stage gimmick used in 4-I. The gravity scale is affected by the lowGravityScale parameter value in the playercommon.rfl file, under the cybermode parameter category. |
time-extend | The bomb stage gimmick used in 4-E. The time limit can be adjusted with the timelimit stage parameter. |
speed-scale (Unused) | Works similarly to the High-Speed Hijinks mission in Sonic Generations, excepts it affects everything. This includes the player character. It is unused, but still functions properly. The speed scale is affected by the timeScale parameter value in the playercommon.rfl file, under the cybermode parameter category. |
nitro | This attribute is mainly used in stages with Rocket Boost. Various parameters related to this gimmick can be adjusted in the playercommon.rfl file, under the cybermode parameter category. |
maxspeed-challenge | The REV gauge gimmick from 4-G. |