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Sonic Frontiers/StageData Parameters

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This page documents all the parameters for stages in the stagedata.lua file. You can find this file at "raw\script\script_resident.pac" Some documentation also comes from the lua file itself, since there is some already provided.

General Stage Parameters[edit | edit source]

Parameter Description
name The stage slot ID.
stage ID of the stage terrain used in the stage slot. If the stage borrows terrain from another stage, then the other stage id is added here. For example, the w1r06 stage slot (Final Horizon Ouranos) uses terrain from w1r04 (Ouranos).
stage_no The stage number.
attrs The attributes of the stage.
timelimit The time limit used for the bomb gimmick in 4-E.
noisetime The amount of time the cyber noise appears when you enter a Cyber Space stage.
clear (Unused) -
mission Missions for Cyber Space stages. Up to 5 can be assigned to a stage.
ring_mission The amount of rings needed to complete the Ring collecting mission in Cyber Space.
rank The time to reach for specific ranks in Cyber Space. (S, A, B, C, D)
cyber_name The name of the Cyber Space stage that shows up in Arcade Mode and the Ranking screen.
stage_name (Unused) A parameter that is meant to set the name of the stage in the Results Screen.
scene_param_name The name of the NeedleFxSceneData file assigned in the stage.
scene_param_stage A development-only parameter. Used to specify and search stages for NeedleFx parameters to be used.
default_scene_param_no The scene id used in the stage. It overrides the default NeedleFx Scene id.
deadheight The height/altitude for death. It overrides the value put in FxParam.
cyber_mode The various gimmicks used in Cyber Space stages in the Final Horizon. It can be used on any Cyber Space stage when added. It can also be added to other stages, but there are many incompatibilities.

Stage Attributes[edit | edit source]

Stage Attributes
Name Description
navmesh Attribute that activates NavMesh files.
heightfield Attribute that activates heightfield files. It is required for a custom heightmap to load in. Also, it does not function properly in Cyber Space.
autosave Attribute that activates the autosave system.
pointcloud Allows the stage to use .pcmodel instancing.
lava Allows terrain with the @LAVA terrain tag to function. In the vanilla game, it is only used on Chaos Island. But, it can be used in other stages.
cyber Attribute used in Cyber Space stages.
hacking Attribute used in Hacking stages. When used on Cyber Space stages, the player character has Open Zone physics and can only use the Cyloop. But, when the Cyloop is used the game will crash. In addition, the player's HUD is hidden.
minigame Attribute used in Fishing stages.
mastertrial Attribute used in Master Trial stages. When used on Cyber Space stages, the player character has Open Zone physics and can use their unlocked combat moves from Save Slot 1. In addition, it also breaks the in-game timer during a stage.
bossrush Attribute used in the Master King Koco Trial. It activates the Perfect Parry, with the parry timing changing depending on the difficulty. When used on Cyber Space stages, the player character has Open Zone physics and can use their unlocked combat moves from Save Slot 1. The timer is broken when used on a Cyber stage.
battlerush Attribute used in Battle Rush stages. When used on Cyber Space stages, the player character has Open Zone physics and can use their unlocked combat moves from Save Slot 1. It also carries the open zone character stats from Save Slot 1. The timer is broken when used on a Cyber stage. Unlike the mastertrial and bossrush attributes, the timer is displayed but is frozen at 0 seconds.
tutorial Attribute used for the Training Room. When used on Cyber Space stages, the player character has Open Zone physics and can use their unlocked combat moves from Save Slot 1. In addition, the player's HUD is hidden.
lastboss Attribute used for the The End's boss fight in space.
sideview An attribute that forces the player character into 2D. This makes creating 2D stages easier, since the player character will automatically stay on a SideView path without a DimensionVolume.
boarding An attribute that allows the player character to ride on a skateboard. It is mainly used in stages that feature one, since interacting with some objects without this attribute will crash the game. Or, the board will be invisible.
extra An attribute that is mainly used in the Final Horizon. It changes the UI and allows objects from the Final Horizon to appear properly. When saving in a stage with this attribute, it would be in the Final Horizon save slots.
sonic An attribute that is mainly used in the Final Horizon. It allows Sonic to be playable in the stage. It is only necessary when you are in a stage swapping between characters in the vanilla game.
tails An attribute that is mainly used in the Final Horizon. It allows Tails to be playable in the stage.
knuckles An attribute that is mainly used in the Final Horizon. It allows Knuckles to be playable in the stage.
amy An attribute that is mainly used in the Final Horizon. It allows Amy to be playable in the stage.
deleteFalldeadCol Mainly used in stages that re-use stage terrain (Final Horizon Cyber Space). It removes the death collision from the pre-existing stage terrain.
deleteAirwallCol Mainly used in stages that re-use stage terrain (Final Horizon Cyber Space).
deleteGrindrail Mainly used in stages that re-use stage terrain (Final Horizon Cyber Space). It removes pre-existing grind rails.
changeNewCol Mainly used in stages that re-use stage terrain (Final Horizon Cyber Space). It adds and changes collision onto the pre-existing stage terrain.

Cyber Space Stage Missions and Gimmicks[edit | edit source]

Cyber Stage Missions
Name Mission
goal Reach the Goal.
rank Obtain an S rank in the Stage.
nodamage (Unused) Beat the stage without getting hit. This mission does not function.
ring Collect a specific number of rings. The value of the rings is specified by the ring_mission stage parameter.
redring Collect all five Red Rings.
numberring Collect all five Number Rings.
silvermoonring Collect all five Silver Moon Rings.
hidegoal Reach the hidden goal.
shadowtails Beat the stage before Shadow Tails does.
mine Avoid the mines in the stage.
animal Rescue the animals in the stage.

The table below contains the various stage gimmicks assigned to the cyber_mode parameter. Certain parameters of some gimmicks can be changed in the playercommon.rfl file.

cyber_mode Stage Gimmicks
Name Stage Gimmick
low-gravity The low gravity stage gimmick used in 4-I. The gravity scale is affected by the lowGravityScale parameter value in the playercommon.rfl file, under the cybermode parameter category.
time-extend The bomb stage gimmick used in 4-E. The time limit can be adjusted with the timelimit stage parameter.
speed-scale (Unused) Works similarly to the High-Speed Hijinks mission in Sonic Generations, excepts it affects everything. This includes the player character. It is unused, but still functions properly. The speed scale is affected by the timeScale parameter value in the playercommon.rfl file, under the cybermode parameter category.
nitro This attribute is mainly used in stages with Rocket Boost. Various parameters related to this gimmick can be adjusted in the playercommon.rfl file, under the cybermode parameter category.
maxspeed-challenge The REV gauge gimmick from 4-G.