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EnemyObjEnemyHole Values: Difference between revisions

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If "'''GenerateMaxCount'''" and "'''GenerateSeperateTime'''" are set to "-1", the object will only play the particle appear affect.
''Thanks to Archxe for contributing the "EnemyType" ID data.''
''Thanks to Archxe for contributing the "EnemyType" ID data.''

Revision as of 07:45, 22 January 2025

The "EnemyObjEnemyHole" object contains 31 spawnable enemies.

The parameters are as follows:

EnableEffect: Is the spawn particle.

FirstState: Ranges from 0-3, currently only 3 is known. 3 means enemies do not exist in the scene until activated.

GenerateMaxCount: Is the maximum number of spawns allowed.

GenerateSeperateTime: Is the time between respawns.

Personality: Is the behaviour of the enemy; personalities range from 0-9 and control many aspects of enemy behaviour. These can be viewed and modified in "Evil_Enemy.prm.xml".

EnemyType: The type of enemy to spawn, as seen below:

EnemyType ID Guide
ID Enemy Information Object Name (Evil Variant) Model Name
0 Nightmare EvilEnemyNightmareR em_dark_nmar_hi
1 Deep Nightmare EvilEnemyNightmareD em_dark_nmag_hi
2 Little Rex EvilEnemyRecklessL em_dark_recl_hi
3 Dark Fright EvilEnemySpookyR em_dark_spkr_hi
4 Red Fright EvilEnemySpooky em_dark_spky_hi
5 Killer Bee EvilEnemyKillerBee em_dark_kbee_hi
6 Red Killer Bee EvilEnemyKillerBeeRed em_dark_kbeg_hi
7 Egg Shooter Standard EvilEnemyEggFighterG em_eday_ef2g_hi
8 Egg Fighter: Knight Sword EvilEnemyEggFighterW em_eday_ef2n_hi
9 Egg Fighter: Knight Shield EvilEnemyEggFighterS em_eday_ef2n_hi
10 Egg Fighter: Knight Shield and sword EvilEnemyEggFighterK em_eday_ef2n_hi
11 Egg Fighter: Knight Electric shield and sword EvilEnemyEggFighterL em_eday_ef2n_hi
12 Egg Fighter: Knight Shield, Only punches EvilEnemyEggFighterS em_eday_ef2n_hi
13 Egg Fighter: Knight Electric shield, Jabs with shield EvilEnemyEggFighterST em_eday_ef2n_hi
14 Little Fighter ? em_eday_chbi_hi
15 Power Master EvilEnemyMasterPower em_dark_mstp_hi
16 Cure Master EvilEnemyMasterCure em_dark_mstc_hi
17 Fright Master EvilEnemyMasterSpooky em_dark_msts_hi
18 Fire Master EvilEnemyMasterFire em_dark_mstf_hi
19 Lightning Master EvilEnemyMasterLightning em_dark_mstl_hi
20 Evil Flower EvilEnemyFlower em_dark_evfn_hi
21 Dark Bat EvilEnemyFloatNormal em_dark_dflt_hi
22 Dark Bat Sniper EvilEnemyFloatCanon em_dark_dfcn_hi
23 Thunder Bat EvilEnemyFloatThunder em_dark_dfth_hi
24 Egg Flame eFlame em_eday_gflm_hi
25 Egg Blizzard eBlizzard em_eday_gblz_hi
26 Egg Typhoon eTyphoon em_eday_gtyp_hi
27 Thunder Ball eThunderBall em_eday_bals_hi
28 Red Rex EvilEnemyRecklessR em_dark_recr_hi
29 Egg Fighter Standard EvilEnemyEggFighterR em_eday_ef2n_hi
30 Egg Shooter Doesn't shoot, may only exist to swipe EvilEnemyEggFighterC em_eday_ef2g_hi

If "GenerateMaxCount" and "GenerateSeperateTime" are set to "-1", the object will only play the particle appear affect.

Thanks to Archxe for contributing the "EnemyType" ID data.