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Sonic Frontiers/ID Mappings

From HEModdingWiki

Worlds[edit | edit source]

World ID Guide
Letter World Type
r Island
t Training/Master Trial
d Cyberspace Level
f Fishing Spot, usually w1
h Hacking Level, usually w1
b Battle Rush Stage
w1 Grassy Island
w2 Desert Island
w3 Volcanic Island
w4 Unknown
w5 Miscellaneous
w6 Green Hill
w7 Chemical Plant
w8 Sky Sanctuary
w9 Eternal Highway

All the IDs have been obtained from raw/script/script_resident.pac/stagedata.lua.

World IDs
Name ID 2D/3D
[Unused] Alpha Kronos w1r01 -
[Unused] Beta Kronos w1r02 -
Kronos Island w1r03 Mixed
Ares Island w2r01 Mixed
Chaos Island w3r01 Mixed
Rhea Island w1r05 Mixed
Ouranos Island w1r04 Mixed
Final Horizon Ouranos Island w1r06 3D
[Unused] Unknown Island w4r01 -
The End Boss w5r01 -
Training Room w5t01 3D
Master Trial Arena w5t02 3D
1-1 w6d01 3D
1-2 w8d01 3D
1-3 w9d04 2D
1-4 w6d02 3D
1-5 w7d04 3D
1-6 w6d06 2D
1-7 w9d06 3D
2-1 w6d05 2D
2-2 w8d03 3D
2-3 w7d02 2D
2-4 w7d06 3D
2-5 w8d04 2D
2-6 w6d03 3D
2-7 w8d05 2D
3-1 w6d04 3D
3-2 w6d08 2D
3-3 w8d02 3D
3-4 w6d09 2D
3-5 w6d07 3D
3-6 w8d06 2D
3-7 w7d03 2D
4-1 w7d08 3D
4-2 w9d02 3D
4-3 w7d01 3D
4-4 w9d03 3D
4-5 w6d10 3D
4-6 w7d07 2D
4-7 w9d05 3D
4-8 w7d05 3D
4-9 w9d07 3D
4-A [1-4 Remix] w6d21 3D
4-B [3-1 Remix] w6d22 3D
4-C [4-5 Remix] w6d23 3D
4-D [4-3 Remix] w7d21 3D
4-E [1-5 Remix] w7d22 3D
4-F [2-4 Remix] w7d23 3D
4-G [4-2 Remix] w9d21 3D
4-H [4-4 Remix] w9d22 3D
4-I [1-7 Remix] w9d23 3D

Bosses and Minibosses[edit | edit source]

All internal names were obtained from "raw\miniboss" and "raw\boss"

Miniboss Internal Names
Name Internal Name
Asura ashura
Ninja blade
Caterpillar charger
Tower daruma
Squid flyer
Shark skier
Spider spider
Sumo sumo
Tank tyrant
Fortress warship
Boss Internal Names
Name Internal Name
Giganto giant
Wyvern dragon
Knight knight
Supreme rifle
Supreme (The End) riflebeast
The End the_end

Enemies[edit | edit source]

All internal names were obtained from "raw\enemy"

Open Zone Enemy Internal Names
Name Internal Name
Soldier jellyman/man
Cyclone twister
Shell defender
Sniper sniper
Jellyfish umbrella
Wolf wolf
Bubble bubble
Banger bommer
Eagle bird
Capture robber
Balloon aquaball
Hopper jumper
Cyber Space Enemy Internal Names
Name Internal Name
Motobug motora
Buzz Bomber/Buzzer beeton
Spinner spinnerI
Chopper batabata
Egg Robo eggRobo
Crabmeat ganigani
Spiny lander
Grabber grabber
Helicopter helicopter
Tank tank
Cannon cannontype

Characters[edit | edit source]

All internal names were obtained from "raw/character"

Character Internal Name
Name Internal Name
Cyber Amy amy
Birthday styled Amy amy_birthday
Amy amy_orig
Playable Amy amyP
Ancients ancients
Child Ancients ancientschild
Master King Ancients ancientsexpertking
Ancients General ancientsgeneral
Ancients Senior ancientssenior
Ancients Woman ancientswoman
Big The Cat big
Eggman eggman
Eggman and Eggmobile eggmanT
Eggman and Eggmobile NPC eggmobileride
Cyber Knuckles knuckles
Birthday styled Knuckles knuckles_birthday
Knuckles knuckles_orig
Playable Knuckles knucklesP
Kronos Koco Accessories kodamaA
Ares Koco Accessories kodamaB
Chaos Koco Accessories kodamaC
Birthday Koco Accessories kodamabirthday
Koco Child kodamachild
Koco kodamacommon
Crown Koco kodamacrown
Pilot Koco kodamadisciple
Easter Koco kodamaegg
Elder Koco kodamaelder
FH Elder Koco kodamaelder02
FH Expert/Trial Koco kodamaexpert
FH Master Koco kodamaexpertking
FH Tablet Koco kodamahack
Lover Koco kodamalover
FH Map Koco kodamamap
Mother Koco kodamamother
FH Skill Point Koco kodamapeddler
FH Training Dummy Koco kodamapunch
Soldier Koco kodamasoldier
Hermit Koco kodamaster
FH Hermit Koco kodamaster02
FH Tower Koco kodamatower
Warrior Koco kodamawarrior
Sage sage
Sonic sonic
Birthday styled Sonic sonic_birthday
Sonic with a Crown sonic_crown
Sonic's Board sonicboard
Corrupted Sonic soniccyber
Sonic (unknown changes) sonicT
Super Sonic supersonic
Super Sonic 2 supersonic2
Cyber Super Sonic supersoniccyber
Damaged Super Sonic supersonicdamage
Cyber Tails tails
Birthday styled Tails tails_birthday
Tails tails_orig
Shadow Tails tails_shadow
Playable Tails tailsP

DLC[edit | edit source]

Digital Art Book artbook
Mini Digital Soundtrack soundtrack
Sonic Adventure 2 Shoes dlccrm
Digital Deluxe Edition dlcddx
Monster Hunter Collaboration Pack dlcmhr
Holiday Cheer Suit dlcxmas

Events[edit | edit source]
