Shadow Generations/StageData Parameters
This page documents all the parameters for stages in the stagedata.lua file. You can find this file at "raw\script\script_resident.pac" Some documentation also comes from the lua file itself, since there is some already provided. There are also a considerable amount of leftovers from Sonic Frontiers.
General Stage Parameters[edit | edit source]
Parameter | Description |
name | The stage slot ID. |
stage | ID of the stage terrain used in the stage slot. If the stage borrows terrain from another stage, then the other stage id is added here. For example, the w01c11 stage slot (Space Colony Ark Act 1 Challenge 1) uses terrain from w01a11 (Space Colony Ark Act 1). |
stage_no | The stage number. |
attrs | The attributes of the stage. |
timelimit | Leftover from Sonic Frontiers. The time limit used for the bomb gimmick in 4-E. |
noisetime | Leftover from Sonic Frontiers. The amount of time the cyber noise appears when you enter a Cyber Space stage. |
clear (Unused) | - |
mission | Leftover from Sonic Frontiers. Missions for Cyber Space stages. Up to 5 can be assigned to a stage. |
ring_mission | Leftover from Sonic Frontiers. The amount of rings needed to complete the Ring collecting mission in Cyber Space. |
rank | Leftover from Sonic Frontiers. The time to reach for specific ranks in Cyber Space. (S, A, B, C, D) |
cyber_name | Leftover from Sonic Frontiers. The name of the Cyber Space stage that shows up in Arcade Mode and the Ranking screen. |
stage_name (Unused) | A parameter that is meant to set the name of the stage in the Results Screen. |
scene_param_name | The name of the NeedleFxSceneData file assigned in the stage. |
scene_param_stage | A development-only parameter. Used to specify and search stages for NeedleFx parameters to be used. |
default_scene_param_no | The scene id used in the stage. It overrides the default NeedleFx Scene id. |
deadheight | The height/altitude for death. It overrides the value put in FxParam. |
bgm | Sets the music that plays in the stage. |
Stage Attributes[edit | edit source]
Name | Description |
autosave | Attribute that activates the autosave system. |
pointcloud | Allows the stage to use .pcmodel instancing. |
boss | Attribute used in boss stages. It changes the player's physics to the Boss physics. |
whitespace | Attribute used for White Space. It changes the player's physics to the White Space physics. |
lava (Unused) | A leftover parameter from Sonic Frontiers. Would've allowed terrain with the @LAVA terrain tag to function. |
navmesh (Unused) | A leftover parameter from Sonic Frontiers. Attribute that would activate NavMesh files. |
heightfield (Unused) | A leftover parameter from Sonic Frontiers. Attribute that would activate heightfield files. When used in this game, the stage will not load. |
sideview (Unused) | A leftover parameter from Sonic Frontiers. An attribute that forces the player character into 2D. It still functions, and lets the player character automatically stay on a SideView path without a DimensionVolume. However, it no longer automatically applies Sideview physics. |
boarding (Unused) | A leftover parameter from Sonic Frontiers. An attribute that would've allowed the player character to ride on a skateboard. It does not function in this game. |
diving (Unused) | Leftover attribute from Sonic Frontiers. Does not function. |
sidestep (Unused) | Leftover attribute from Sonic Frontiers. Does not function. |
athletic (Unused) | Leftover attribute from Sonic Frontiers. Does not function. |
drift (Unused) | Leftover attribute from Sonic Frontiers. Does not function. |