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Resources/Terrain Material

From HEModdingWiki
Terrain Material
Resource TypeMaterials
File Extension.terrain-material
Used In Games
Container FormatBINA
Editing Tools
Reverse Engineering StatusA few unknown values, otherwise done

Terrain Materials are materials that are assigned to a heightmap through the use of an splatmap. The splatmap uses R8_UNORM DirectDraw encoding.

Each colour on the splatmap corresponds to a certain material ID, defined in a terrain-material file. Each material entry in the terrain-material file contains a material type, index to identify the material, an Albedo and PRM map for the base texture, and an Albedo, PRM and Displacement map for the detail.

The base texture is simply the texture that will be seen from a distance, when detail hasn't loaded in yet.

Detail is extra geometry that will be rendered when the player is close up, it is displaced from the surface of the heightmap based on the displacement texture of the material.

Draw distance for detail is determined in the stage's NeedleFxSceneData RFL.