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NeedleFxSceneData is a reflection template used to edit many of Needle's graphics effects parameters inside of the FxParamManager on a per stage basis. It is used in all of Hedgehog Engine 2 games, as Needle is its graphics engine component. However, the template's contents may vary between each game and some parameters will not work if they are included in the game's graphics settings in the first place.

Additionally, it includes various parameters for heightmap rendering, stage's deathplane and camera draw distance and FOV within the "stageConfig" struct; however, those are not included in the FxParamManager.

FxParamManager parameters


Also referred to as "config". Contains parameters that are common to the entirety of the stage and cannot be changed by time/weather cycles or FxCol.


  • bloomRenderTargetScale (Boolean) : Only appears in Sonic Forces. Likely a lens fx quality toggle. Choose between one sixteenth, one eighth and one fourth of the current resolution.
  • dofRenderTargetScale (Boolean) : Depth of Field resolution quality. Can be set to the same as the display resolution, a half, or a quarter of it.
  • shadowMapWidth and shadowMapHeight (sint32) : Shadow maps resolution. Will not work since those are covered by the game's graphics settings, where the low setting is 2048x2048 and the high setting is 4028x4028.


  • aaType (Boolean) : Antialiasing type. Can select no antialiasing, TAA, FXAA or SMAA. However, it will not make a difference as this is included in the graphics settings. Additionally, you can debug your way into using SMAA with DevTools, but the effect will glitch the screen.
  • usType (Boolean) : Determines what FSR upscaling type to use or disables it altogether. Open Zone uses "Easu", while CyberSpace uses "Fast". The latter's sharpening can be edited by fsrSharpness
  • fsrSharpness (Float) : Edits FSR's sharpening when the Fast or RCAS types are selected. The lower it is, the greater the effect.


  • illuminanceScale (Float) : Lighting strength when atmospheric lighting is in use. Makes everything brighter or darker.


  • enableDebugDrawLayerRange (Boolean) : Presumably renders debug information of all level of detail layers. Does not work.
  • layerRange[32] (Float) : A set of 32 float parameters to edit the distance at which the LOD layers load. This does not affect gedit objects draw distance, but only terrain, some density objects and pcmodels. In addition, some objects only seem to be affected by certain layers.


  • detailDistance (Float) : "Distance at which the detail map stops being used". The referred detail maps are higher quality versions of the terrain's textures. Those are located in the stage's height pack.
  • detailFadeRange (Float) : "Blur strength when switching". Determines how long the transition between the detailed texture and the original texture is.


  • mode (Boolean) : Enables resolution scaling, with the option to choose whether to use it dynamically or not. Only the "Fixed resolution" option works.
  • fixedResolutionRatio (Float) : The current scale of the display's resolution. Controlled by the graphics settings to choose between 0.75 and 0.5.


Enables TimeService's time cycle in the islands. When enabled, the next parameters are used to decide the rotation of the sun and moon's properties, as well as the exact moment where the game thinks nighttime starts and ends. It will also make use of the RFL's timeItems. When timeProgress is disabled, these parameters will be ignored and the parameters of items[0] will be used instead, unless stated to use other parameters in the game's stagedata.lua file.

  • solarRadiusScale (Float) : The size of the sun.
  • azimuthAngle (Float) : An offset to move the sun's position horizontally, without altering its vertical movement.
  • latitude / longitude (Float) and month / day (sint32) : Four parameters that indicate the stage's coordinates on Earth and the exact date the player is in. The sun's rotation will change to simulate how it would be in real life at the same time and place.
  • time (Float) : The current time of the day. Does not work.
  • hourlyTime (Float) : "Basic time progress rate/seconds per hour". Does not work as the speed of the sun and moon are set in the timeservice.rfl file in raw/misc/gameparam/.
  • night : A TimeService struct containing the exact moment at which the nighttime starts and finishes.
    • beginTime > hour / minute (sint32) : The moment when nighttime begins.
    • endTime > hour / minute (sint32) : The moment when nighttime ends.
  • overrideSpeeds[8] : "Overwrite time progress speed". A series of structs that might be able to change the speed at which the sun and moon move during specific times of the day. Those are unused and may or may not work.


Enables the WeatherService's weather cycle. If enabled, the game will periodically use the RFL's weatherItems parameters.


"Heightmap terrain settings". Only features an enableDrawGrid boolean. Likely a debugging tool.


  • zprepass / ditherAsBlueNoize (Boolean) : Unknown purpose.


  • cullingRange (Float) : Unknown purpose.


  • smallCullingThreshold (float) : "Small stuff culling threshold"


A series of structs containing parameters that do not change over time. In most games they are the main way of creating the graphics of a stage. However, in Sonic Frontiers' Starfall Islands, only a few are used for technical elements and for interiors like caves and ruins. It's important to mention that stages do not use only one of those items: The main parameters do tend to be in items[0], but more are frequently used in different spots with the help of FxCol. For example, in Sonic Frontiers' islands, usually utilize static parameters located in either items[3] or items[4]; the Supreme fight in Final Horizon, uses lighting parameters from items[5]; in Shadow Generations' ARK, interiors use items[1]; in the upside down gravitational platforms from Act 1 use items[2] to get the green tinted lighting on Shadow... There are plenty of examples in Sonic Forces and Shadow Generations, but in Sonic Frontiers the usage of more items is quite rare.


Only included in Sonic Forces. However, it does not work. It was likely an unfinished implementation of HDR meant to be used in future games, but was probably ditched in favour of using the current generation and past generation refreshed consoles' HDR.


Contains many parameters to toggle debug rendering and for various lighting and shading technical details. Parameters that don't work, don't seem to make a difference or are used for debug rendering will not be documented.

  • globalLight : Parameters for global lighting. When disabled, there will not be any direct lighting, but everything will look like it's covered by a big shadow.
    • limit : Contains parameters for shadow angle limits.
      • type (Boolean) : Choose between disabling the angle limit, enable it for shadows or for shadows and distant lighting
      • minLightElevationAngle : The angle limit in degrees.
  • enablePointLight (Boolean) : Enable or disable point lights lighting
  • enablePreMergeIBL (Boolean) : Enable or disable Image Based Lighting. Used for inexpensive global illumination. Also has an effect on some PBR and cubemap reflections.
  • shadowIBLAttenuation (Float) : A slider between 0 and 1 to indicate how dark IBL reflections, similar to cubemaps, will be, 0 being completely dark. Seems to make the biggest difference in Sonic Frontiers.
  • maxCubeProbe (sint32) : "Maximum number of IBLProbes used for drawing". Seems to affect the overall definition of shaded areas, 24 being the maximum.


Parameters for miscellaneous global illumination concepts.

  • sgStartSmoothness / sgEndSmothness (Float) : General smoothness of the baked global illumination around the environment.
  • doStartSmoothness / doEndSmoothness (Float) : Described the same as the above, but don't seem to make a difference anywhere. Likely related to directional occlusion?
  • doOffset (Float) : Unknown.
  • aoOffset (Float) : In Sonic Frontiers' islands, it makes shadowed faces darker or clearer, but does not affect shadow maps.


Screen Space Reflections. Largely used in Sonic Frontiers and Shadow Generations. Most of these are not included in Sonic Forces.

  • traceSky (Boolean) : Traces reflections on occluded areas. Most noticeable difference is the reflection of Sonic's shoes on water or reflective platforms
  • useTrans (Boolean) : Enable reflections on translucent materials.
  • usePenet (Boolean) : Enable reflections that penetrate around other meshes' reflections' outlines.
  • useQuat (Boolean) : Enable quarter resolution reflections.
  • useNormal (Boolean) : Enable small deformations with normal maps.
  • rayMarchingCount (Float) : The number of rays used to create reflections. Effectively affects quality.
  • planeNormalDist (Float) : Affects how much reflections are deformed by normal maps.
  • traceThreshold (Float) : If larger, more reflections will be attempted to be drawn with the available information.
  • resolveReproj (Float) : Reduces flickering by applying ghosting.
  • overrideRatio (Float) : "Blending ratio with IBL". When higher and above 1, PBR and cubemaps (referred to as IBL by the game) will become darker, as they blend with the SSR. Has the secondary effect of, when put lower and below 1, the edges of reflections will be blurred.
  • maxRoughness (Float) : Maximum roughness that a reflection will be drawn at.
  • roughnessLevel (Float) : Reflection blurring to reduce roughness.
  • uvOffsetScale (Float) : Determines how much UV animations can deform the reflections. Although, will move those up or down for some reason.
Sonic Forces' rlr

All of those are float variables. Editing those will not make a big difference, as Sonic Forces relies more on planar reflections and cubemaps than it does on screen space reflections.

  • num : Sample count?
  • travelFadeStart / travelFadeEnd : Unknown.
  • borderFadeStart / borderFadeEnd : Fading out on the edges of the screen.
  • hizStartLevel : Seems to have a similar effect to roughnessLevel and uvOffsetScale combined.


Screen Space Global Illumination. Used for small patches of light that would otherwise be too expensive with the use of point lights or too tedious to add with baked global illumination. Only properly used in Sonic Frontiers' Chemical Plant, but ancient ruins like bridges and CyberSpace portals do feature those even if the effect is disabled.

  • intensity (Float) : Self explanatory.
  • useAlbedo (Boolean) : Blends the effect and the textures that it's around.
  • useParameter (Boolean) : Blends the effect with the prm textures that it's around.
  • debugParam : A struct containing more parameters that are still very important, but are under this for some reason.
    • useDenoise (Boolean) : Enables blurring of the effect. If disabled, only coloured points will be rendered.
    • rayLength (Float) : How much the effect is spread.



Very limited customization in Sonic Frontiers and on.

  • fast (Boolean) : Enables bloom of lower quality.
  • bloomScale (Float) : Bloom general intensity.
  • sampleRadiusScale (Float) : Adds low transparency (ghost) copies of the illuminated objects. The variable affects how far away these are from the source element, 0 making the hide completely. Gives the illusion of a more spread bloom effect.
  • blurQuality (sint32) : Affects how much the bloom is blurred, spreading the effect more without changing its intensity. Can't be edited since it's controlled by the game's graphics settings.

In Sonic Forces this also includes lens FX parameters and other scale variables.

  • bloomThreshold (Float) : Effectively puts a limit on darker pixels to determine how bright something has to be to cast any bloom.
  • bloomMax (Float) : How bright something has to be to cast the brightest bloom. If lower, objects that were already casting bloom will have the effect buffed.
  • starScale (Float) : Lens FX. Adds further intensity to the brightest bloom spots. Affected by bloomMax and camera distance.
  • ghostCount (sint32) : Ghost lens FX samples?
  • ghostScale (Float) : Ghost lens FX instensity.
  • haloScale (Float) : Lens flare FX intensity.
  • glareType (Boolean) : Unsure, but choosing either camera or natural will disable lens FX.


Includes everything related to exposure. This struct only really exists in Sonic Frontiers and Shadow Generations, but its contents are still included, just under different structs. In Sonic Forces, the exposureType boolean is named tonemapType, and the auto exposure parameters are under the tonemap struct.

  • exposureType (Boolean) : Change between manual exposure and auto exposure.
  • manualExposure > exposureValue (Float) : Manual exposure brightness.
  • autoExposure : Includes many parameters. You can choose which to use.
    • middleGray (Float) : An exposure offset. Makes everything either darker or brighter while keeping the expected behaviour.
    • lumMax (Float) : How dark exposure is allowed to become. The higher, the darker.
    • lumMin (Float) : How bright exposure is allowed to become. The lower, the brighter.
    • cutMax (Float) : Cuts off how dark the exposure can get from lumMax in a way that if the screen shows too much brightness, it will not be darkened. The lower the parameter is, to earlier this happens.
    • cutMin (Float) : Cuts off how bright the exposure can get from lumMin in a way that if the screen shows too much darkness, it will not be brightened. The higher the parameter is, the earlier this happens.
    • pctMax (Float) : Determines the percentage of the screen taken into consideration by lumMax. The lower, the more screen space brightness has to take to get a darker exposure.
    • pctMin (Float) : Determines the percentage of the screen taken into consideration by lumMin. The higher, the more screen space darkness has to take to get brighter.
    • adaptedRatio (Float) : Auto exposure speed. The lower, the faster. 0 being immediate response and 1 being static.
    • luminanceRangeType (Boolean) : Determines which parameters are used. Clamp will only use middleGray, lumMax, lumMin and adaptedRatio; Cutoff will add cutMax and cutMin; and CutoffPCTRate and CutoffPCTArea will add pctMax and pctMin. It is not clear what the difference is between the last two.

Additionally, you can make auto exposure static by disabling "updateLuminance" under tonemap. This is not the same as manual exposure.


  • tonemapType (Boolean) : Choose the tonemapping. Pick between "Disney", "Filmic", "Aces" and "GT". Only GT and Filmic have editable parameters. Disney and Aces look almost the same.
  • tonemapParamFilmic : A struct containing Filmic tonemapping parameters.
    • whitePoint (Float) : White level.
    • toeStrength (Float) : "Strength of dark areas".
    • linearAngle (Float) : Behaves like a gamma slider.
    • linearStrength (Float) : "Strength in the middle section". The lower it is, the more contrasted the image will be. If the analogy is useful, think of it as removing middle frequencies from an audio file: it will sound ""clearer"" - it will look ""clearer"". If higher, it will sound more ""muffled"" - it will look less contrasted.
    • shoulderStrength (Float) : "Strength of bright areas".
  • tonemapParamGT : A struct containing GT tone mapping parameters. This is the tone mapping used throughout the entirety of Sonic Frontiers and Shadow Generations.
    • maxDisplayBrightness (Float) : How bright pixels are able to get. Also works as a white level slider starting at 2. The higher the value, the more contrasted the image will get to sell the effect.
    • contrast (Float) : Contrast.
    • linearSectionStart (Float) : Black level threshold, it seems. The higher it is, the earlier things will be affected by the black level parameter.
    • linearSectionLength (Float) : When negative, it also affects the black level threshold. If positive, when it's higher, it will expose the brightest areas more. Most notable example in the ARK on the Earth's atmosphere, Shadow's jump ball and generally noticeable on areas with bloom.
    • black (Float) : Black level. Will glitch when above 10.
  • updateLuminance (Boolean) : Enable or disable auto exposure updates. If disabled, the exposure will stay where it was. If you disabled it in a dark place, where exposure got brighter, it will be locked to that brightness.