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How To Set Up Sonic Unleashed, RPCS3

From HEModdingWiki
Revision as of 13:54, 12 January 2025 by Starlight (talk | contribs) (Common Prerequisites.)
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Here is the definitive, full guide on how to get Sonic Unleashed, its DLC & Mods set up for RPCS3 on your PC.

Common Prerequisites.


First Steps:

Setting up the Sonic Unleashed & RPSC3.

First, Extract your RPSC3 zip download. Place the extracted folder anywhere practical, open "rpcs3.exe".

Follow the general instructions, then navigate to "File" then "Install Firmware".

Once this is done, copy your Sonic Unleashed ROM into the "games" folder, then press refresh within RPCS3, then the game should appear.

PSN versions of the game are unsupported by modding, use "BLES/BLUS/BLJM", not any "NP" variant.

Second, Select "File" then "Install Packages/Raps/Edats" and navigate to where you Update PKG and DLC is located, select all files and then install. The update should be called this "EP0177-BLES00425_00-SONICEUPATCH0000-A0102-V0100-PE.pkg" or something similar.

You also require "Raps" with the PKGs, so ensure you have these during install or the DLC will not work.

Third, Right click Sonic Unleashed in RPSC3, then press "Create Custom Configuration From Default Settings". Within these settings, ensure each is set to:

CPU configuration:

SPU xfloat accuracy = Relaxed

SPU block size = Mega

TSX instructions = Disabled

GPU configuration

ZCULL accuracy = Relaxed

Resolution scale = 100

Asynchronous texture streaming = On

Advanced configuration

Sleep timers accuracy = As Host

RSX FIFO accuracy = Atomic

Recommended patches

Disable Dynamic Shadows

Disable Real-time Reflections

Enabling these patches can increase performance greately, at the cost of graphical fidelity.

Any other settings such as resolution scailing you can change at your own risk.

All information in the third section is taken from the RPCS3 Wiki.

Fouth, Right click the game in RPCS3, select "Manage Game Patches", it may ask you to update patches, accept this, then navigate to the section called "BLES00425 v.1.02", you can enable patches as you wish.

If you enable "1280x720 Resolution", this will increase horizontal resolution at the cost of performance, this also allows native scailing matched to what RPCS3 tells you.

Setting up the Unleashed Mod Manager.

First, Extract latest_1c75d.zip then within the extracted contents, copy Unleashed Mod Manager.exe into your RPSC3 folder, next create a folder called "Mods" in your RPCS3 folder.

Second, Open Unleashed Mod Manager.exe, you will get a window like this:

For the Mods Directory you will want to press the three dots in the white square, then select the Mods folder we put in the RPCS3 folder earlier.

For the Game Executable you will want to press the three dots in the white square, then go in to your ROM folder, at the bottom of the list of folders, there should be a file called "EBOOT.bin", select that.

For the Emulator Executable you will want to go back in to the RPCS3 folder & select "rpcs3.exe".

We will skip the Save Data option as no mods currently support that. Now just press Continue.

Third, Now that the mod manager is open, click the Settings button in the bottom left then within the settings, click on "Install 1-Click URL Handler", this will allow magnet links to work.

All instances will have stuttering and possible lag within the first playthrough, this is normal.

Last steps:

(Optional) Setting up a 100% save file.

First, Boot the game, get to a point where it can save.

A 100% save file is NOT needed anymore, but if you wish to use one:

First, Whatever save file you download should be called "SYS-DATA", within a folder with a name matching your roms name, such as "BLES00425" copy "SYS-DATA" & "PARAM.SFO".

Second, Navigate within RPCS3, select "Manage", select "Save Data", click the Sonic Unleashed option and "View Folder", then copy the contents of your downloaded save data, and place it here.


Final Result and Step.

Anything listed as a prerequisite mod should go in the mods folder. Now just open Unleashed Mod Manager & press "Save, Install content & launch Unleashed" & everything should be ready to play, Have Fun!

Sources: RPCS3 Wiki | Sonic Unleashed