Sonic Frontiers/Master Trial Parameters: Difference between revisions
InvalidFile (talk | contribs) Added Master King Koco Trial parameter documentation |
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Revision as of 00:38, 10 January 2025
Main Master Trial Parameters
The Master Trials have parameters separate from the main parts of the game. These range from the conditions set inside the trial stage, to your stats and set amount of time you have.
For the regular Master Trials, their parameters can be found in "raw\misc\mastertrial.pac" in the "mastertrial.rfl" file.
Uncategorized Parameters
Parameter | Description |
subjectViewTime | |
readyTime | Determines the amount of time for the intermission before the Trial Koco starts the Trial. |
clearTime | Amount of time for the game to show that you beat the Trial. |
failedTime | Additional amount of time that the FAILED!! text shows up. |
clearWaitTime | The amount of time that delays the Trial getting beaten. |
failedWaitTime | The amount of time for the "Try Again?" pop-up to appear after you fail the Trial. |
kodamaOrdinaryTextTime | The amount of time that the Master Koco's text subtitles can appear. Specifically, it is when the Master Koco begins the Trial. |
kodamaFightDelayTime | The amount of time to delay the start of the Trial. |
kodamaFightTextTime | The amount of time that the Master Koco's text subtitles can appear. It is mainly when the Master Koco begins the Trial. (specifically when it says "Start!") |
kodamaFightSplendidTime | The amount of time that the Master Koco's text subtitles can appear. In this instance, it is when the Master Koco congratulates you for beating an enemy/guardian. |
Trial Stage Parameters
The next two sets of parameters are element and elementEasy. These parameters set the conditions of each Trial Stage, along with easier conditions when you die a specific amount of times. This is what each element's parameters contain. These are structured the same with both element and elementEasy.
Parameter | Description |
element[0] | The parameters that set the default conditions of the Master Trials. |
element[1] | The parameters that set the second set of conditions of the Master Trials. These usually activate if you agree to make the Trial easier after a certain amount of deaths. |
element[2] | The parameters that set the third set of conditions of the Master Trials. These activate the same way as the element[1] conditions. |
applicableFailedCount | The amount of deaths needed to activate the set of conditions. |
stages[4] | The parameters category that set the conditions of the five Master Trial stages. When looking through this category, there are sets of parameters for four stages. stages[0] is for the first Trial, stages[1] is for the second Trial, stages[2] is for the third Trial, and so on. |
prerequisite | A specific set of conditions that are forced upon the player. (e.g. disabling the Cyloop). You can change them by using specific values, or editing them directly using DevTools. |
limitTime | The Trial's set time limit. The "TimeLimitEnabled" prerequisite needs to be enabled for the timer to count down. |
defeatedWaitTime | The amount of time that delays the Trial getting beaten after an enemy is defeated. |
speedUpScale | The value that speed scales up for the enemies in the Trial. The "EnemyHightSpeedMoveing" prerequisite needs to be enabled. |
attackRate | The rate of attacks from the enemies in the Trial. The "EnemyAttackRateEnabled" prerequisite needs to be enabled. |
recoveryHpTime | The amount of time before an enemy regenerates health in the Trial. The "EnemyRecoveryHp" prerequisite needs to be enabled. |
recoveryHpPoint | Amount of Health that the enemy regenerates in the Trial. The "EnemyRecoveryHp" prerequisite needs to be enabled. |
limitMistake | Amount of hits that the Player can take before they fail the Trial. The "MistakeLimitEnabled" prerequisite needs to be enabled. |
damagePoint | The amount of rings removed from the Player when damaged. It overrides the Player's existing defense stat. |
powerLevel | The level for the Player's attack stat. |
Master Trial Prerequisites
These prerequisites are additional conditions forced upon the player when starting the Trial. Here is a list of them along with the behaviours it enables.
Parameter | Description |
TimeLimit | Enables the timer countdown in the trial. If this is disabled then the timer will freeze. |
MistakeLimit | Enables the mistake limit/lives system in certain side quests, which determines the amount of hits Sonic can take before the Trial is failed. The amount of hits is determined by the "limitMistake" parameter. This prerequisite is unused in the final game, but functions properly. Also, Lives above 5 will not display properly on the UI. |
PlayerSkillDisabled | Disables all of Sonic’s combat skills except Cyloop. |
EnemyRecoveryHP | Allows the enemies to regenerate health. This prerequisite is linked to the "recoveryHpTime" and "recoveryHpPoint" parameters. |
EnemyHightSpeedMoveing | Affects the movement and attack speed of the enemies. This prerequisite is linked to the "SpeedUpScale" parameter in the stage. |
EnemyAttackRateEnabled | Affects the rate of enemies attacking, and is linked to the "attackRate" parameter. It is unused since it isn't activated in any of the Trials. |
Master King Koco Trial Parameters
The Master King Koco Trial also has parameters separate from the main parts of the game. These parameters are similar to the ones from the main Master Trials. The parameters can be found in "raw\misc\bossrush.pac" in the "bossrush.rfl" file.
Uncategorized Parameters
Parameter | Description |
defaultRing | The default value of rings that the player has when starting the Trial. |
defaultRingEasy | The default value of rings that the player has when starting the Trial on Easy Difficulty. |
defaultCyloopGauge | The default value of Quick Cyloop in Sonic's Quick Cyloop Gauge. |
readyTime | Determines the amount of time for the intermission before Master King Koco starts the Trial. |
clearTime | Amount of time for the game to show that you beat the Trial. |
failedTime | Additional amount of time that the FAILED!! text shows up. |
clearWaitTime | The amount of time that delays the Trial getting beaten. |
failedWaitTime | The amount of time for the "Try Again?" pop-up to appear after you fail the Trial. |
kodamaOrdinaryTextTime | The amount of time that the Master King Koco's text subtitles can appear. Specifically, it is when the Master King Koco begins the Trial. |
kodamaFightDelayTime | The amount of time to delay the start of the Trial. |
kodamaFightTextTime | The amount of time that the Master King Koco's text subtitles can appear. It is mainly when the Master King Koco begins the Trial. (specifically when it says "Start!") |
kodamaFightSplendidTime | The amount of time that the Master King Koco's text subtitles can appear. In this instance, it is when the Master King Koco congratulates you for beating an enemy. |
Trial Stage Parameters
Like the main Master Trials, the other two sets of parameters are element and elementEasy. These parameters set the conditions of each Trial Stage, along with easier conditions when you die a specific amount of times. This is what each element's parameters contain. These are structured the same with both element and elementEasy.
Parameter | Description |
element[0] | The parameters that set the default conditions of the Trial. |
element[1] | The parameters that set the second set of conditions of the Trial. These usually activate if you agree to make the Trial easier after a certain amount of deaths. |
element[2] | The parameters that set the third set of conditions of the Trial. These activate the same way as the element[1] conditions. |
applicableFailedCount | The amount of deaths needed to activate the set of conditions. |
stages[0..2] | The parameters category that set the conditions of the three phases of the Trial. stages[0] is for Giganto, stages[1] is for Wyvern, and stages[2] is for Knight. |
hour | The time of the day that the stage is set in, specifically in hours. On default, every phase has the same set time of day. |
minute | The time of the day that the stage is set in, specifically in minutes. It is added onto the value set in the hour parameter. |
healthPoint | The amount of Health that the Titan has. |
recoveryRing | The amount of rings that are re-added when proceeding further into the Trial. |
powerLevel | The level for the Player's attack stat. |